Brothers Banding Together to support a great orginazation!
The club was founded in 2010 by Founder Rick Chadderton, and 14 original Charter members. Since then it has grown to 8 Battalions throughout the State of Connecticut and covers areas from Plainfield south to the New York State line.
We as a club have given donations to several charities statewide including our main charity, The Connecticut Burns Care Foundation based in Milford CT as well as helped victims of fire here in the state. Through the hard work and dedication of our members we look forward to continuing to help others into the future.
The Raging Knights Firefighter MC is an independent firefighter motorcycle club with chapters organizing across Connecticut. We are a law abiding motorcycle club. We support those that support us. The R.K.F.F.M.C. attends multiple biker events, rally’s, and fundraisers, both in Connecticut and as far west as South Dakota and as far south as Myrtle Beach.
As with most clubs rumors tend to swirl around in the wind that aren’t true. For this reason, we ask that you not judge us on rumors, but come to one of our events and get to know us.
We are an all male firefighter motorcycle club. However, we would like to mention our wife’s, girlfriends and significant others who have been our main supporters since the beginning.
Thank you to all for your continuous support of the Raging Knights Firefighter MC and attending other charities with us as our guest.